Unlock the POTA Triple Crown: Turn One Activation into Three Award-Winning Opportunities!

Discover how to maximize your Parks On The Air (POTA) activations by simultaneously qualifying for World Castles Award, Lighthouses On The Air, and Summits On The Air. Learn tips for enhancing your outdoor radio adventures and increasing QSOs.

Triple Threat: Supercharge Your POTA Activations with Hidden Award Opportunities

Parks On The Air (POTA) activations are already exciting, but did you know you can add even more value to your outdoor radio adventures? Discover how to turn your POTA outings into multi-award opportunities, enhancing the experience for activators and chasers alike.

Unlocking Hidden Potential in Your POTA Activations

World Castles Award: Fortify Your Radio Experience

Many POTA locations include historical fortresses or castles. After activation, upload your log to wcagroup.org to qualify for the World Castles Award. This adds a historical dimension to your activation and gives hunters another prestigious award to chase.

Lighthouses On The Air: Illuminate Your Activation

If your POTA site includes a historical lighthouse, check arlhs.com to see if it's listed. Add your activation to the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society (ARLHS) website and promote it in Lighthouse Facebook groups. Watch as lighthouse enthusiasts flock to your signal!

Summits On The Air: Elevate Your POTA Game

Activating a park on a mountain summit? Consider adding it to the Summits On The Air (SOTA) program. This popular scheme allows you to participate in both POTA and SOTA simultaneously, potentially doubling your QSO count and value to the ham radio community.

Maximize Your Reach with CQGMA

Use cqgma.org to ensure maximum visibility for your multi-program activations. This powerful tool helps you spot your activities across various groups, increasing your QSO potential and adding even more excitement to your POTA adventures.

By incorporating these additional programs into your POTA activations, you're enhancing your experience and providing hunters and chasers with more opportunities to work towards different awards. It's a win-win situation that enriches the entire amateur radio community.

So, think beyond the park next time you plan a POTA activation. With some extra planning, you can turn your outdoor radio adventure into a triple threat of award opportunities!

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